H L Hinges

HL hinges are a stronger version of simple symetrical H hinges. They are useful for supporting the weight of a wooden door. The key is the extra supporting arm that fastens to the door.



HL hinges are a stronger version of simple symetrical H hinges. They are useful for supporting the weight of a wooden door. The key is the extra supporting arm that fastens to the door. This piece can be on top ,in which case it would look like an HL, or on the bottom, were it resembles HG. Or it can be mounted on the other side as the mirror imageof the two. This type of pin hinge was very important to the early homebuilders.

Ranging fom 3″,4″,5″ sizes were widely used on cupboards, corner cabinets doors 7″ were ued on interior doors and 9″ were used on larger doors such as barn doors or heavier entrance doors.

The early colonist were so religious that they beleived that if they put HL hinges on their doors , which stood for the holy lord and also that the hinges would protect the house from witches.The two tales are related to a third ,paneled doors were styled to resemble an open Bible, or a cross , or in the from of two H’s to stand for Heaven and Hell , again because of the colonist fervant religious beliefs.

Modern machines cannot reproduce the handmade process used several hundred years ago used to hand forge these hinges.

  • Size1 — HL HINGES9-in. 70.00 each

    7-in. 44.00 each

    5 in.- 42.00 each

    3 in.- 23.50 each

    2 — H HINGES

    9 in.- 60.00 each

    7 in.- 32.00 each

    5 in. – 30.00

    3. in.—21.50 each